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Re: [BNW] OT: Shadowrun

"iguana.1031" wrote:
> I've been running Shadowrun since it came out in '89, with less than a year
> total of downtime.  Sure, the system is OK at best, not my first (or fourth)
> choice and far from what I would consider "good" mechanics, but that's not
> why I play.  The story and setting are the key.  After that, everything else
> is just . . . extra.  The system IS playable and, IMHO, no more clunky than
> a lot of the others on the market - including Deadlands.

I do have to admit.  I bought SR 3rd edition the other day.  They've
made the system a heck of a lot better since 1st edition.


Sean Michael Whipkey - "I drink a lot of [beer]. Let me be socially 
responsible for a moment: If you are under 21, or driving, or both, then
 you should wait to drink until you turn 21 and/or park the car. And 
you'll want to stay away from Zima regardless." - ack@rpg.net