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Re: [BNW] BNW background

What is wrong with you "GMs"?  TOO many story possibilities thrown in?  Not 
enough hard numbers for your taste?  Why don't y'all go play Rifts, or 
Rollmaster, or another game that's all about the predetermined rather than 
the imagination's wide-painting brush?  Actually, without the barely 
disguised scorn, I'd suggest giving Shadowrun or GURPS your attention, 
seeing as they're All about giving STs the answers...

     As to Mad King Jack, have you read all the info in the three books out? 
   I suspect that you haven't.  Try it.  There's more method than madness.
     In addition, I think the game's Entirely about heroes.  Men and women 
who stand up against fear, and oppression, against all odds in an attempt to 
secure their liberties from a tyrant and his facist state?  What could be 
MORE heroic?  Your blaster want more control?  Talk to the ST about 
inventing him a trick that will pull his punch, or about sacrificing a delta 
point in exchange for not killing...

         and Stormfront of the League of Justice!!!
(It certainly isn't easy to be a non-lethal hero in BNW, but the struggle 
surely does refine the character...)
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