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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

>From: "William Davis" <williamjdavis@hotmail.com>
>Three: EXACTLY MY QUESTION: the book, and the pictures hint at at least 4 
>so A-suit per team. My take is that heavy weapons support is necessary to
>track down flyers. They're the only thing maneuverable enough to keep track
>of them. So three is a minimum to trap the faster flyer. You need at least

Ummm, what about other Flyers...?  For that matter, what about luring a 
Defiant Flyer into an indoor area that can then be sealed?

>ONE heavy squad per city AND that still has a crappy response time. (think
>fire stations). So we're talking lots of gadgeteers. (sorry bout the math
>failure previously, it was late).
>Aside: besides Null fields, (which ARE NOT common enough to "surround" the
>gadgeteers workspace) How could you possibly catch a speedster? beep-beep
>THTHPPT zzzziiippp and gone...

You really think Speedsters are immune to capture...?  Are you asking this 
as a Guide completely unable to stop a PC Speedster (or a Flyer, from what 
you say above) and finds that they are (literally) overrunning your 

If you really need help in this manner, I can provide you with a couple of 
dozen answers, although they seem pretty much self-evident to me.  
Alternately, might I recommend picking up a few dozen issues of various 
issues of The Flash, whatever comics Quicksilver over at Marvel is appearing 
in, etc., etc.  They're much quicker (these days) than your average 
Delta-Speedster, and I think you'll see that they get captured about as 
often as any other superhero...

Ditto for Flyer-type characters, such as the Angel (or whatever he's calling 
himself these days) over at X-Men/X-Force/whatever...


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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