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RE: [BNW] BNW background

>What is wrong with you "GMs"?  TOO many story possibilities thrown in?  Not

>enough hard numbers for your taste?  

Ok, Martial Law, like in the "Seige" or more like in the U.S.S.R. (need
travel papers etc.. just to go from state to state). You know stuff like
setting that should be defined (it is done to a decent degree in the DL
stuff I read). Simple little things that can be gathered out of a simple
"day in the life of" story or some simple details of the scen is like. Is it
like "Red Dawn" with tanks next to the hardware store? (I have seen some
pics of tanks and attack chopers in the city, but I don't know is that the
norm, or was it special because of Patriot?) Don't get me wrong though I
like the setting I just want to make sure I don't go down a military path
when it's not that way. As to the buget cuts answer, well that's what got
the US Marines started on border patrol duty in 1994 (shooting a kid with a
rifle stoped that quickly when they relaized that the military and Law
enforcement train in very different ways).

>Why don't y'all go play Rifts, or  [been there done that]
>Rollmaster, [not in School, don't have the time]  or another game that's
all about the predetermined rather than 
>the imagination's wide-painting brush? [in meta plot games with the facts
missing you could have someone (the writer) throw paint thinner on it]
Actually, without the barely 
>disguised scorn, I'd suggest giving Shadowrun or GURPS your attention, [got
those too, actually I was thinking of converting Rifts to gurps, uh, do you
know that Rifts does have a meta plot? well it does.]
>seeing as they're All about giving STs the answers...

>     As to Mad King Jack, have you read all the info in the three books
>   I suspect that you haven't.  Try it.  There's more method than madness.
If you are refering to the flight when Supieror saved Jacks life, Yes I
know. Did I miss anything else?