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[haggis] Changelog for haggis-20040616

* added option -deck which adds a third deck of cards
* changed the default number of rules created to 1.5*number of players, with 3 rules dealt to each player
* started messing around with linewrapping (Lyman)
* removed "add" and "multiply" rules and replaced them with all "value" rules, but with more interesting descriptions.  Example:

    1 = A mozarella card is worth 4 more than a gouda card.
    3 = A blue card is worth 7 more than a cheddar card.
    5 = A cheddar card is worth -1.
    6 = A mozarella card is worth 5.
    8 = A parmesan card is worth a mozarella card plus a cheddar card.

* made it so the "kicker" rule's multiple is the same as the size of the set that causes it (Jim proposed this)
* added "suitoddeven" rule.  Bonus/penalty for odd/even (or even/odd) number of cards turned in of a suit.  Zero if zero turned in.
* added "submitter" rule.  Bonus to first player to turn in cards.
* added "misdeal" that redeals rules if a player gets more than one copy of the same rule.