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RE: [haggis] Haggis board 86
For now I think the rules and the cards counts are at a decent level. You may have to go back and change them in the future, but I think balancing is the next step.
Also I came up with a couple of ideas for rules:
-Can you make the value of a suit conditional? "if you have even # of blues they are worth 5 points otherwise worth -2" or "if you have less than 3 blues they are worth 3 points otherwise blues are worth 2 more than a red"
-"The first player to submit gets 10 points"
-"The player with the least # of completed trades gets -10 points"
-"Special Combo: If your hand has at least 2 reds, 1 green, 1 yellow and you have no whites Combo Bonus points of 20"
-"fake rules" example:
Rule #2: "Each black, white pair is worth 5 points"
Rule #6: "Rule #2 is a lie" (rule #2 awards no points) (scored by using negative of points gained from rule 2)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-haggis-users@gamerz.net
[mailto:owner-haggis-users@gamerz.net]On Behalf Of mballinger@fibres.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:50 AM
To: haggis-users@gamerz.net
Subject: Re: [haggis] Haggis board 86
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 08:50:30AM -0400, Reed, Jim wrote:
> The code should be modified to ensure that each rule is owned by at least
> one person though.
Crap! Yes. This morning, before I turned on the computer I realized, "uh oh, I mis-distributed the rules!"
So, fix on the way. In general, though, did we like the number of cards in this game? And three rules per person?
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