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Re: [PyrNet-L] Question About Grooming

On 30 Aug 99, at 9:09, Dancingpyr@aol.com wrote:

> Why I ask, now that we've had our first rain in nearly 3 months, the fleas
> are starting to appear.  Although we had put Front Line on the pyrs on
> August 1, in less than 3 weeks, we were already seeing fleas :-(  We don't
> want to cause any bad reaction between using a flea shampoo with the Front
> Line, so a more natural product, as long as it's effective, is desirable.

You can also put citronella oil in regular dog shampoo, but do check 
with your vet or call Rhone Merieux to see if it's contraindicated, 
they do have a hot line # for information on Frontline, your vet 
should have that info. Solid Gold also makes a shampoo and natural 
flea repellent that seems to work.
I have also used citronella oil mixed in vaseline to rub on ears, 
nose and around head, but be careful of the eyes. It works, but you 
have to do it daily.  The dogs don't seem to mind the citronella as 
much as some of the commercial fly and flea repellants.

Taos, New Mexico