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RE: [PyrNet-L] hello everyone

Robert and Lea,

Welcome to PyrNet list!!! It is a wonderful group of caring and
knowledgeable people. I loved the story about Gordon! He is a very lucky dog
and it is so typical of how a Pyr can Superglue themselves to your heat in
seconds flat. I printed it up for others, not on the list to read, just too
good not to share. I am new to Pyrs, Montana Bear is my first and he is 19
months old and keeper of my heart. This list is so valuable to the new
owner, wish I had discovered it when I first got Montana, I would have made
fewer mistakes with him! But he has forgiven me the various silly mistakes I
have made over time, and appears to be no worse for them. :-)  I wish you
luck in getting a rescue soon!

Marci and Montana Bear
