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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pat Alteri

Great remembrances of Pat Alteri and the Michigan Great Pyrenees Club , Jean.  I also
remember one of those film exchange movies showing you training Pyrs in obedience.
Wonder if they still have that in the film exchange.

Jean A Boyd wrote:

> The GPC of Michigan was founded in the spring of 1967 by 13 enthusiastic
> families.  I was a founding member along with the Alteri's.  Much was
> accomplished during the first two years of the club:  the newsletter, the Pyr
> Bark, began publishing every six weeks; a Constitution and By-Laws were approved;
> a Hip Dysplasia Control Program was put into operation; the official club
> stationery, with Pyr head-study drawn by Sonya Larsen, was printed; support of
> local shows; and general meetings were held every six weeks with guest speakers
> and films from the PMD Film Exchange.  It was decided that the club should have a
> social function with Pyrs so a spring Fun Match and Picnic was combined with the
> Annual Meeting each year.  Our first match in 1968 was with the noted Mrs. Mary
> Crane as our judge and in 1969 our honored judge was Mrs. Marjorie Butcher.
> We also started a first by having an All Pyrenees obedience class in the spring
> of 1969, taught by me and Art Larsen.  We had each earned obedience degrees on
> our Pyrs.  It was a sight to see 20 Pyrs, dogs and bitches together in the ring
> at the end of ten weeks all graduate as well-mannered canines.  The class
> attracted weekly viewers plus the local newspaper who devoted a whole page to
> pictures and story about the Great Pyrenees.
> In March 1970 the club hosted the first GPCA mid-Western Specialty, in
> conjunction with the Detroit Kennel Club Show held at Cobo Hall.  This was a very
> large and important bench show in the U.S., and we had a record breaking entry of
> 23 dogs, 18 bitches, 8 specials under judge Louis Murr who selected Ch. Tip'N
> Chip Sonny's Reflection as Best Of Breed, owned/bred by Peavey/Bankus-Cooper of
> Illinois.
> We also saw another first that year with a exciting performance in the obedience
> ring by Limberlost Ami Geant Can. CDX and owner/trainer Dr. robert Ross of Canada
> resulted in the honor of Highest Dog in Trial, with a Novice score of 196.
> The Detroit KC included the Great Pyrenees in their TV publicity about the show.
> Our representative in 1971 was Ch. Esprit Blanc, owned by Al and Pat Alteri.
> Pat Alteri was indeed a special person who devoted her life to Great Pyrenees.
> She was a pioneer of the GPC of Michigan.  She will be missed by all who knew
> her!
> Jean Groves Boyd,  Rivergroves Great Pyrenees
> A founder member of the GPC of Michigan!
> JGentzel@aol.com wrote:
> > 1999 is a rough year on really special Pyr People.  We are leaving some holes
> > that will be missed greatly by us all.
> >
> > Pat Alteri was a very special person.  Maryann and I first became aware of
> > her about 1976.  I know Pat and her husband Al had been in Pyr for years at
> > that time.  They had had a really nice dog Ch.  Esprit Blanc.  Pat and Al
> > were always the backbone of the Detroit Pyr Club.  I believe this club was a
> > true pioneer of regional clubs.  I suspect that second to the California
> > Club, it might have been the next regional club.  I am sure someone  from Cap
> > National can let us know if they came along before the Detroit club.  The
> > thing that made the Detroit (Midwestern Club) stand our was their
> > innovations.  They were a leader in many respects and put on a truly fabulous
> > regional specialty, way before there were much in the way of Regionals.  Our
> > first trip to Detroit was March 11, 1973.  Benched Show.  Wow, what a sight.
> > About 90  Great Pyrenees benched all day (unheard of numbers in those days) .
> >  We were benched just down from Soleil and Jack Magoffin (Kansas, who was a
> > club member).  Judy Bankus later to become Cooper was there with Tip'N Chip
> > Sonnys Sundance Kid ( I believe he was a young dog then, non Champion).  I
> > remember her saying as everyone commented on how gorgeous he was, that she
> > "Thought she would keep him."  An understatement to say the least.  Bob and
> > Judy Brown were there.  Ann  Rappaport was there.  Jean Groves (Now Boyd)
> > was there.  Steve Berman was there.  Great show.
> > The judge was Mrs. Passini-Birkett from England.  I will never forget hearing
> > Mrs. Passini-Birkett saying the Pyrenean Head had been lost.  Thank goodness
> > she was wrong.  It probably was lost in England and maybe in North America at
> > the time.  I think she might say different now even in England.  There still
> > are some good historically correct heads around.
> >
> > In any event the Detroit club did tremendous things for the breed in those
> > days.  They did it with style and people traveled tremendous distances to
> > attend their shows.  Pat and Al Alteri deserved much of the credit.  Pat
> > worked tirelessly for the breed.
> >
> > Personally I am devastated by her passing.  I know that just this past GPCA
> > specialty, she worked tirelessly (late into each night) for the Historic
> > Preservation exhibit.  Our love and sympathies go out to her family and other
> > friends.  We will miss seeing her smiling face, joking and gossiping, ever
> > again.  We will all miss most of all the devotion and dedication she has
> > given to us all these past 30 plus years.
> >
> > Au revoir Mon Pat Alteri.
> >
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