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[PyrNet-L] Lexi's not pregnant

>     Hello you guys,
>     I've been too sad to post this before now. Lexi went in for X-rays
> on Wednesday. Her X-ray showed no spines. there were no pyr puppies in
> her belly or under her ribs. When my vet. first saw Lex she checked her
> teats and quickly said, "that this may be a false pregnancy." I think
> that it was just nonexistent and I didn't know it. I kept reading
> thing's and behaviors into what I thought I was seeing from her.
>     Lee and I had just finished building and cleaning her whelping box.
> Orders of thing's like puppy brushes for pyr puppy buyer's had been
> delivered. I have this silly toy called an Alley Cat that I could 'nt
> wait to try out on an older pup. It's about 9" high. When you press a
> button the thing sings and vibrates, jumping around like krazy.
>     I was so sure that she was! Certainly next time, if there is one
> I'll have her tested during her heat, have her tested with the new
> pregnancy test for dog's and probably do a sonogram early on to check
> for any signs of the little ones. Meanwhile she'll be checked for low
> thyroid and anything else anyone here comes up with or suggests.
>     I don't have children by choice. I have pyrs instead and have wanted
> it that way since I was a small girl. So, good, bad or indifferent for
> me ( I imagine), that it *almost* feel's similar to losing a child,
> whether adopted or otherwise. The hardest blow has been for me to accept
> that I won't be keeping and raising 2 new adorable pyr puppies anytime
> soon. I have only done it once before 12 years ago. There was nothing
> like it on the face of this earth!
>     I am doing my best to think that this is all for the greater good
> and I'm sure in time I will come to believe it. Right now though, I am
> grieving the loss of what might have been.
>     I know there must be some of you who have had to face this
> experience. That is why I feel comfortable finally posting this to you
> terrific pyr people. I am also posting this information in case it is
> anyway valid information for our breed. I guess keeping track of
> everyone's high's and low's and reason why's concerning the pyr can
> probably help us all in the long run.
>     Don't get me wrong, I darn well could use a little cheering up too
> right about now! <vbg>.
>     Mostly I suppose, I just wanted to keep you all updated.
>     I know this will pass. I figure that there is another pyr pup or two
> just waiting for Lexi, Jonah, Lee & I to give it ton's of love.
>     Besides, I do have 2 fabulous pyrs to have and to hold right now!
> <bg>.
>     Yours in pyr spirit,
>     Judith, Jonah & Lexi