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[PyrNet-L] Rescue/Looking for special home

Couldn't agree more with you Joe. I wonder sometimes where the Breeders are
when help is needed by the owner. Do some Breeders not realise that when the
xxx amount of dollars are handed over it's not the end of the commitment but
the beginning of maybe 10 years plus? You don't just leave a Pyr there once
you've had the phone call, you go get it or make arrangements to get the Pyr
to you. Don't breed a litter unless you are prepared to take that dog/bitch
back onto your property and find another home at your own expense or arrange
to have the Pyr cared for and pay expenses. I refer only to the Breed in New
Zealand with my above comments.
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://homepages.msn.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/1920/ and the site of the PMDC at
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/6339/ and my latest Site