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Re: [HOE] Translations

Hi, David!
This is Stephan aka Marshal Schnabul. I´m sitting in Trier, Germany and I am
indeed a German. If you need any lingual support or any names of cities,
cultural background concerning Germany, just let me know.
Here is the translation for the words you posted. If the direct translation
is ridiculous, it will be followed by my own suggestion what this would be
according to german culture and background, e.g. there would be no Shamans.

Manitou - well, this is just an Indian Spirit, in German
                you would call it Manitou, too. But entities like
                these are called "Dämon" in germany.
Demon                 - Dämon
Magic                  - Magie, Zauberei
Harrowed            - Gequälter, Gemarterter
Zombie                - Zombie
Walking Dead      - wandelnder Toter
Vampire               - Vampir
Undead                - Untoter, untot
Templar                - Templer, Tempelritter
Knight                  - Ritter
Paladin                 - Paladin (there is no translation)
Atomic                 - atomar
Nuclear                - nuklear
Radiation              - radioaktive Strahlung
Mutant                 - Mutant
Syker                   - no real translation, may be something
                              like "Psi-Krieger" which would
                              mean "psychic warrior"
Psychic                 - psychisch
Telepath               - Telepath
Martial Artist        - Kampfkünstler
Cyborg                 - Cyborg (there is only the english
                               word), though "cybernetic organism"
                               would be "kybernetischer
Robot                    - Roboter
Scrapper               - difficult, though "Scrap" means
Bionics                  - bionische Implantate/Prothesen
Junker                   - Junk means "Schrott, Müll", you
                               could call them "Technik-Druiden"
Tinkerer                - Bastler, Techniker
Mechanic              - Mechaniker
Scavenger             - Sammler
Tech Spirit            - Technischer Geist, but people would
                               call it "Maschinengeist"
Heaven                 - Himmel
Hell                      - Hölle
Spirit World          - Geisterwelt
Hunting Grounds   - ewige Jagdgründe (Indian-specific)
Blessed                 - Gesegneter, gesegnet, Priester
Huckster               - Höker, its more like a shady trader,
                               better ranslated with "Hexer".
Hexslinger             - this wordcombination can´t be
                               translated, its a mixture of "Hexer"
                               and "Revolvermann" (Gunslinger)
Toxic Shaman       - Giftschamane, better Gift-Druide
Shaman                - Schamane, Druids in Europe
Indian                   - indianisch, Indianer
Native American   - amerikanischer Ureinwohner

hope I could help you
