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[HOE] Translations
Attention my multiligual friends!
I'm working on HoE Europe stuff on the request of my friends. I'm
actually working on things for all over the world, and I'd like to add
the right flavor to my work as I research. You wouldn't exactly say you
were intercepted by a Manitou if your a German Junker who's never been to
America, you'd call it something else. If anyone can give me words,
phrases in other languages or slang from other contries that would fit in
the HoE world, I'd appreciate it. Here's some examples of what I'm
looking for...
Manitou, Demon, Magic
Harrowed, Zombie, Walking Dead, Vampire, Undead
Templar, Knight, Paladin
Atomic, Nuclear, Radiation, Mutant
Syker, Psychic, Telepath, Martial Artist
Cyborg, Robot, Scrapper, Bionics
Junker, Tinkerer, Mechanic, Scavenger, Tech Spirit
Heaven, Hell, Spirit World, Hunting Grounds
Blessed, Huckster, Hexslinger
Toxic Shaman, Shaman, Indian, Native American
(I relize that some of these probably won't be in other parts of the
world, but I'd like to have it just in case)
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