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Re: [HOE] Translations
Here are those words translated into Polish. Juts like Stephan wrote - it
sometimes may sound a bit weird so, though...
> Manitou - Manitou or "duch" which means "ghost"
> Demon - demon
> Magic - magia
> Harrowed - it's "wygrzebaniec" in our edition of DL but words
like "umrzyk" could also be used, I think
> Zombie - zombi
> Walking Dead - chodzacy trup
> Vampire - wampir
> Undead - nieumarly
> Templar - Templariusz
> Knight - rycerz
> Paladin - paladyn
> Atomic - atomowa (a bomb for eg.)
> Nuclear - nuklearna (again, a bomb)
> Radiation - radiacja, promieniowanie
> Mutant - mutant
> Syker - it's hard to translate it. as I remember, it's
> Telepath - telepata
> Martial Artist - mistrz sztuk walk
> Cyborg - cyborg
> Robot - robot
> Scrapper - zlom, szmelc
> Bionics - bionika
> Junker - smieciarz
> Tinkerer - budowniczy or something like that
> Mechanic - mechanik
> Scavenger - poszukiwacz, but I'm not quite sure of this one
> Tech Spirit - duch techniki
> Heaven - niebo
> Hell - pieklo
> Spirit World - swiat duchów
> Hunting Grounds - Kraina Wiecznych Lowów
> Blessed - poblogoslawiony, swiatobliwy
> Huckster - kanciarz
> Toxic Shaman - toksyczny szaman, directly, but maybe something like
szaman radiacji
> Shaman - szaman
> Indian - Indianin
> Native American - rdzenny mieszkaniec Ameryki
> hope I could help you
yeah, me too