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[HoE] Marshall needs help

Bobby Farris wrote:

>         Okay, I need some suggestions from the List. I have a posse in
> western Wyoming and they are heading for Boise. (the group includes a
> Templar or two). Now I would rather them not go to Boise and instead
> start heading south. The reason for this is I would like to wait for the
> Boise set to come out.
If you really don't want them to go to Boise and you don't want to do
the weather thing, how about this:
A crisis somehow important to the Templar movement is starting to brew
up in the south.  As there is no one on hand in Boise (perhaps he has no
one he can spare to send or they're all busy, as in the adventure in
LC), Simon sends out riders in all directions looking for wandering
Templars with a message
stressing that the situation demands immediate investigation.  The posse
could come across a lone, trail-worn rider being chased/attacked by
(-insert baddie here-) and could find out about the message one of two
ways.  One - they rescue her and she tells them of her mission.  Or, two
(if they don't pull it off) - the baddie kills her, but the posse sees
it take the message and try to get away with it (then the posse could
chase IT down to see what it took).  The message itself could include a
map and a vague idea of what's happening, but should stress Simon's
belief of the importance of it being checked out immediately. If they
find the message and carry on to Boise anyway, Simon will probably NOT
be happy to see them (and I kind of doubt the Templar players would lie
to him about not getting the message).  Well, it's not a real blue
ribbon idea, but it's another alternative to flooding them out.  Good
luck with the situation regardless.

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo