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Re: [HoE] Marshall needs help

I don't see a problem with letting them go there (if you got a Templar in
the group they have to go some time), the description of the place is done
nicely in LC. Just keep things simple if your worried about continuity with
the book when it comes out. I've been running my game for a year last week
and have had to recant of alter later things that I wanted to be simpatico
with the books. Hell you should see what I have to do every time they hit
Junkyard (I'm chomping at the bit for Iron Oasis) and new book tell me
something I didn't think about the last time they where there. I look at it
this way, I lived in small towns (pop. 3,300) and large cities (San Jose 3rd
largest city population wise in California) for at least 4 years each and I
always found new thing when I went out. Now had I only visited the place
several times a year I would probably know less and never see it all. So if
they go and thing change cause of a book don't swet it.

Hope this make you feel better about letting them go some where.

Christopher Merrill
W.H.A.T.T. Member
-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Farris Jr. <BJ@redbow.net>
To: hoe@gamerz.net <hoe@gamerz.net>
Date: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 6:49 AM
Subject: [HoE] Marshall needs help

>        Okay, I need some suggestions from the List. I have a posse in
>western Wyoming and they are heading for Boise. (the group includes a
>Templar or two). Now I would rather them not go to Boise and instead
>start heading south. The reason for this is I would like to wait for the
>Boise set to come out.
>So should I:
>A)  Let them get to Boise. If so, how do I run this adventure without
>contradicting or ruining the Boise set to come out.
>B) Use weather and whatever to "force" them to go south. My problem is I
>am not sure how to do this without it looking like I am forcing them (I
>don't mind forcing them, I just don't want it to look like I am). One
>character is Heroic and I could keep throwing things at him....but this
>seems contrived.
>Any suggestions on either A or B?
>Bobby. "Dangit go where I tell you" Farris
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