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Re: [HoE] Marshall needs help

>I'd avoid the weather, that'd be a little too obvious. What I'd do was
>steal a major weapon/artifact from somebody, and the thief takes off to
>the south. A little less forceful would be that just before they get to
>Boise, they get some sort of distress message from another
>Templar/friend, maybe the mentor of one of the PCs, who needs help down
>south and he needs it fast. Then you're giving the PCs a choice of where
>to go, or at least the illusion of one.

Yeah, I'd avoid weather, too...

There's always the ultra cheesy choice C...dream sequence....

Perhaps the next time the posse falls asleep, a powerful abomination traps 
them all in a dream....and no matter how much they try to get to Boise, they 
just can't find it....and the abomination of course, tortures the PCs in the 
dream sequence...

Something like that.

Marshal Nightchilde

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