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Re: [HoE] More Civilazied!!
I can't remember where but I seem to recall one book saying something about
Junkyard Script. I ruled in my games that larger towns that either deal with
the Sky Pirates, The Convoy or Junkyard with take the script but at a 25%
raise in price and other towns won't except anything other than trade.
Christopher Merrill
W.H.A.T.T. Member
-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Farris Jr. <BJ@redbow.net>
To: hoe@gamerz.net <hoe@gamerz.net>
Date: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [HoE] More Civilazied!!
>RagnaRok wrote:
>> But my main issue is, i have thought of haveing money in my campaign
>> cash, dollars) i know that there are no government to have controll on
>> but say if Junkyard uses it and had a stamp on each dollar bill, so that
>> only those with stamps can be used, then other settlement would follow
>> them.
>> Im open for suggestions here
>Sounds to me like you have a good start. Maybe the Combine has issued its
>currency as well?
>The main thing, is that you have to have some kind of agency that is
>the currency. This agency also has to have the confidence of the people
>use the currency.
>For instance, supposedly at one time if you felt the American dollar wasn't
>worth it you could go to the Government and they would pay you a certain
>of gold, lets say 1 oz per so much money. I could see Junkyard doing
>like that with their spook juice.
>1 Junkyard dollar equals 1/10 of a gallon of spook juice (or something like
>The problem in HOE is that there isn't any agency capable of doing this.
>HOE is written even Junkyard's resources are not that great. And even if
>could, would you in Wyoming take Junkyard dollar?
>Of course, you do what you want.
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