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Re: [OT][BNW] Shadowrun and stuff

In a message dated 4/21/00 11:03:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
mtrent@bigfoot.com writes:

> Malcolm Knight wrote:
>  > 
>  >     By the way, I consider Shadowrun to be the worst combination of poor
>  > system, weak background, and mismatched style I have ever had the
>  > missfortune to play. Somebody must like it though, it's got to third 
> edition
>  > and there seem to be a lot of copies of it floating about.

Whereas I consider it to be one of hte BEST ocmbinations of 
simple-yet-adaptable system, interesting background, and intriguing 
juxtaposition of style I have ever had the good fortune to play (and I've 
tried a LARGE number of systems in my 20+ years of gaming).

System: what's simpler and easier than "roll a number of dice equal to your 
skill, tell the GM how many of htose dice equalled or exceeded a specific 
number" ... ?  Well, flipping a coin comes to mind, but that doesn't sound 
like fun for an RPG task-resolution mechanic.

Setting: I fail to see what's weak about the setting, we're not that far from 
it.  The setting posits a couple improbable but NOT impossible "landmark 
cases" WRT corporate power and status among nations, and hte return, 
full-blown, of magic to the modern world.  Well, for real-world right-now 
corporations, you can look on Microsoft as a Second- or Third-Tier megacorp 
(sorry, it's just not *diverse* enough to be a AAA Mega).  GE, IIRC, is into 
enough pies to qualify as a A or AA first-tier Megacorporation, or "zaibatsu" 

And magic ... some of us believe it's real NOW, though of course not in the 
ridiculously showy style of most RPG's.  Magick IRL is a finesse thing, Magic 
in games (note the spelling change, it's there on purpose) is a 
thunder-and-pyrotechnics thing.  =o)  Mucho difference between the two.

As for the juxtaposition of style, to be honest: you either love it or hate 
it.  I love it: it makes SR *different* from other games: it's not a 
D&D-esque fantasy game, yet it has wizards and elves and dwarves and 
sword-swinging Really-Big-Guy™ sorts; it's not a CP2020, hard-core SF 
setting, yet it has cybernetics, nanotechnology, and all the toys of a Blade 
Runner-esque game.

All in one: the very paradox you call "mismatched" was in fact a conscious 
choice, and it is that mismatching that provides much of the energy to any 
given campaign, as magick and technology strive to coexist in the same world.


GM Pax
ICQ# 18582108