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[OT][BNW] Shadowrun and stuff

Malcolm Knight wrote:
>     By the way, I consider Shadowrun to be the worst combination of poor
> system, weak background, and mismatched style I have ever had the
> missfortune to play. Somebody must like it though, it's got to third edition
> and there seem to be a lot of copies of it floating about.

Well, having just came out of a very fun and enjoyable 4 month campaign
I will say that it was quite a bit of fun (Armageddon was even avoided!
WooHoo).  My guess is that you start seeing the flaws when you stare at
the system until your cross-eyed and then think about the details too
much *looks at the post on the ratios of deltas to normals*, but maybe
that is a problem for you.  Just go find a job and the trouble will find
you.  It's a great system to just have some relaxing fun with.  However,
like all things it depends on the GM.  Many people won't touch GURPS
around here because of a bad experience with a crappy GM, which makes it
almost impossible for me to get support for my Matrix/Natzi's in
space/Celt/Discword campaign.  If you have anything specific you dislike
about SR then I'll be happy to discuss it off list.

Matthew Trent