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[BNW] Fu Fighter 3.0

Hello All,

   Finally got this done (had to rebuild my system and lost the files).  For everyone who has seen this before, there are few changes other then some descriptions, for everyone else I hope you enjoy it.

Fu Fighter

Fast: +3 Acrobatics, Dodge, Initiative, Martial Arts
Tough: +3 to Strength only for wounds and stun/healing checks


Acrobatic Leap: Roll Acrobatics and for each success you can jump 2" up and 2" in any direction.  May also be used as a charge attack. (Based on Goliath leaping Trick).

Chi Strike:  When making a Martial Arts attack, with an extra succes this trick allows the Martial Artist to use Speed instead of Strength for damage and add their Spirit as a bonus to the damage of their attack.  ie a Martial Artist with Spirit 3D6 and Speed 4D6 can attack for 4D6+3 damage with an extra success.  When this trick is used the striking limb (or weapon) is covered in a shower of sparks or glow of some form (thus not very concealable).

Defensive Kata:  Take an action and roll Acrobatics TN: 5 for each success add +2 TN to any attempt to hit the Martial Artist for the rest of the round.  (Based on the Flyer's Flying Dodge trick).

Dim Mak:  When used this trick causes a Martial Arts attack to be AP 10.  To activate the trick requires 2 successes on the Martial Arts roll.  If used out of combat then on a single success the Fu Fighter can do various tricks (ie; hitting the top of a stack of bricks and breaking the bottom one etc).  and will give a +2 to Overawe attempts.

Martial Mastery:  With an extra success on a Martial Arts attack the hero can make a second attack of the same type.  She can continue to do this again and again as long as she keeps getting extra successes, but the TN goes up by +5 for each attack after the first.  (Based on the Telekinetic trick of Fast Mind)

Steel Shower:   This trick allows Chi Strike to be used with Thrown weapons.  Note: if used with Shuriken or some item with an ROF of higher then 1 then 2 success are needed to power this trick.  Also, as with Chi Strike this trick causes the weapon used to glow and throw off sparks.

Zen Archer:   This Trick allows the hero to use Chi Strike with a Bow (no crossbows).  It requires 2 successes to activate this trick.

Wu Lung Martial Artist/Blaster

Other Tricks:

Pin Attack:
With an extra success on an attack roll, the hero can elect to not cause
damage, instead pinning the target to a nearby wall - note that this depends
on a few things; there must be a wall or tree or some such thing reasonably
close to the target, and they must be wearing clothing that can be pierced;
the hero must also be using either a bow or throwing sharp objects to use
this trick. With two extra successes, the hero can cause damage as well as
pin, but at least one wound has to be done to the target for this to work.
It always takes an action to unpin oneself, and probably a bravery roll to
unpin oneself if pinned through, say, the hand =)

Whay say you all?

Nick   deimos@tig.com.au (Coucouvinis)