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[BNW] OT: Shadowrun

Malcolm Knight wrote:
>     By the way, I consider Shadowrun to be the worst combination of poor
> system, weak background, and mismatched style I have ever had the
> missfortune to play. Somebody must like it though, it's got to third edition
> and there seem to be a lot of copies of it floating about.

Something about it consistently selling in the top 10 RPGs... often
because of "system, background and style." 

Anyway, I've played it for years, found it quite enjoyable. Not sure I'd
apply my tastes on any objective level, tho. I hesitate to say it's
universally good for all because *I* liked it (or that BNW is
universally bad for all because it's not my favorite supers RPG).

Deird'Re M. Brooks   | xenya@teleport.com |  cam#9309026
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