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Re: Power Packages & Cost (Re: [BNW] The Hacker)

>The problem, IMO, is still Sneak.  A) It is only +5, not +10, B) Anyone can
>buy night-vision goggles, and C) It has a quirk.

That was my problem with the Sneak as well. So group, how do we fix it? I 
toss out the gauntlet and start with my two ideas. I would either bump the 
Sneak's skill bonus to +10 so that they get that automatic trick (the main 
advantage to a +10 as far as I can tell. That and if you buy the max level 
of 5 in the skill at conception that gives you two tricks). Or remove the 
"only in the dark" limitation on their invisibility. They still need to make 
their sneaking roll, but then *poof* where did he go?


GAry m, minor epot
   aka "Sneezy the Squid"
If you're going to pick a hero, ya know, do your research
   -- Bill Hicks

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