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[risk] Reinforcements idea
I just had a thought (rare as they occur, I know...)
Currently, everyone does reinforcements on every 4th turn (this may be
open for debate later...) What if each turn, one player reinforces.
E.g. turn 1: everyone deploys normally + player 1 deploys 1/2 his
normal reinforcements (round up).
Each turn thereafter, the next player in line deploys reinforcements
and everyone issues moves, too.
It's just an idea... does it have merit?
I'm just thinking in terms of the deployment phase seems to completely
"jumble" the power structure of the baord...
/ \__ | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Consultant / Sendmail, Inc.
\__/ \ | URL: http://www.gamerz.net/rrognlie/
/ \__/ | Give a man a fish, and he'll be hungry tomorrow. Teach a
\__/ | man to fish, and he'll be at the river all day drinking beer.