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Re: [risk] Reinforcements idea
On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, Richard Rognlie wrote:
> I just had a thought (rare as they occur, I know...)
> Currently, everyone does reinforcements on every 4th turn (this may be
> open for debate later...) What if each turn, one player reinforces.
> E.g. turn 1: everyone deploys normally + player 1 deploys 1/2 his
> normal reinforcements (round up).
> Each turn thereafter, the next player in line deploys reinforcements
> and everyone issues moves, too.
> It's just an idea... does it have merit?
> I'm just thinking in terms of the deployment phase seems to completely
> "jumble" the power structure of the baord...
Perhaps one way to keep the deployment phase from completely jumbling the
power structure, would be to deploy a smaller amount _every_ turn, like a
third of a full deployment, or something like that.
In order to keep the game moving, we would probably have to do the
deployment and movement commands at the same time, so some additional
restrictions might be needed, such as some or all of:
* Armies cannot deploy and move (ie attack) in the same turn.
* Continent bonuses must be deployed on the continent.
* Size of deployment restrictions? ( cannot more than double the amount of
armies due to deployment, or cannot deploy more than the sum of the armies
currently in the territory and neighboring occupied territories )
~ John Williams