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[pyrnet] Great Pyrs and Mini Donkeys - ideas? suggestions?

I just got my first mini donkey after a year of research, etc.  He should be about 34" at the shoulder when full grown. He is only 7 months old, and will be gelded in two weeks.  He has a 1.8 acre pasture and will be joined by another little boy donk in July.  It is actually a good thing, I think that this one is home earlier.  Though he will be a bit lonely, I hope this will help him bond with us and tolerate (and maybe even "bond") with the dogs. Toby (dog) and Ski (bitch) are curious and fine with him.. so far.  My main worry is he might kick them.  Toby already sleeps in front of the barn at night where I shut Snowman, the donkey in.  I've had them all out on lines, walking, but you can tell his instinct is to kind of "herd" the dogs away.  Yesterday, I let Ski loose with him and they were at different parts of the pasture, when she ran to the corner barking over something.  Snowman perked up and went right tothe corner to stand with her, looking to see what it was.  But then, he kind of kicked a bit at her.. she actually didn't seem to notice (she is 12).  Anyway, I know taking it nice and easy is important.  The dogs share my pasture also with 12 chickens.  The dogs have access through a dog door, to a covered kennel area, so they can remove themselves.  Anyway.. any tips that anyone might have so that I can continue to build my "peaceable kingdom" would be very, very appreciated.
Linda Anderson & Jon Glastra
Night Sky Farm