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[PyrNet-L] Re Anais is eating my car!

Dare I ask Mike if Bill and Ben are related to the Flowerpot Men?? Having
had 2 Pyrs involved in an accident recently we have come to the conclusion
that the smaller the crate for travelling the less the Pyrs would be thrown
around on collision and it's amazing how such big dogs can fit into snug
places. As long as they can stand up, turn around and lie down then that is
sufficient. Now having a problem with Maya belonging to Chris who has turned
anti-van, anti-crate in van since the accident but Chris is working on it.
Frankie was fine and thought the fuss was great so I am very lucky.
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://homepages.msn.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/1920/ and the site of the PMDC at
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/6339/ and my latest Site