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Re(2): [PyrNet-L] Chat, Rescue: Looking for a special home

Wonderful story, Judith, and one I wish all breeders and potential dog
owners could read. It doesn't just apply to pyrs, I'm sure; lots of breeds
have particular characteristics that potential human companions need to
know about. I don't know how many calls we made to our breeder within the
first few months, usually over relatively minor concerns, and we were
lucky enough to be able to make the trip a couple of times to let
Paddington play with the littermate they kept, and check out that we were
on the right track with feeding, training, etc. And we'd had a prior pyr,
read all the books etc.! 
Although we didn't "rescue" Shelley, her first placement as a puppy had
not worked out.  Fortunately she'd been sold on a show contract, allowing
the breeder to assess her as she matured to determine whether she was
indeed show quality. They ended up paying twice the original selling price
to get her (and her papers) back, not from mean or unkind people, but
clueless ones! She was matted to the skin, and was spending her time
chained up outdoors. She responded almost immediately to intense loving
and care, went on to get her championship, but most of all to become the
most gentle, loving, and confident pyr--and the epitome of what a therapy
dog should be--once she was in an environment with folks who knew what she
needed and how to work with her. She came to us after whelping two litters
and retiring from motherhood and the show ring, and was only "ours" for
three years, before we lost her to bone cancer at almost 8 years. I don't
think a day passed that we didn't feel we were in some way trying to make
up to her for that first year. It's 2 years this weekend since her
diagnosis, and we know there'll always be a "Shelley" place in our hearts
that no other can fill, and profound gratitude to those who *did* have the
commitment others have talked about to stand behind the well-being of
every puppy they breed.
Ann, Peg, Paddington (I still miss her too, Mom) and Ivy Rose (she was my
momma, you know).