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Re(2): [PyrNet-L] Tail..er..tale.

Cindy, that's really funny! Who knows what's in his mind! Or maybe just
pyr creativity coming up with new ways to entertain mom. When we had
Shelley, we used to take her and Paddington to a wooded reservation with
ponds and lots of ducks, geese, etc, and Shelley would bound through the
water chasing the feathers that floated on the surface. She never picked
them up, but they fascinated her. She was also most interested in the
beings that wear the feathers....the only time she actually swam a few
strokes (unintentionally....the water got deeper faster than she expected)
was when a duck came closer than usual!
Please get pictures of Ranger with his feathered look!
Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose