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[PyrNet-L] Hip Displasia

DancingPyr wrote:
< If I understand this comment correctly the OFA readings of sibling pups
within the same litter are more important than the OFA readings of the
parents or grandparents.
This was the first time I had heard this perspective and would appreciate
any comments on the subject.>

This reminded me of a conversation I was in the middle of 8 or 9 years ago.
   A  breeder was in line behind me at our handling class.   She was
talking to another breeder in front of me.   She was telling him how upset
she was that she just found out that 3 of her pups from her last litter (a
year earlier) were diagnosed dysplastic.   She contacted the other puppy
owners after hearing of the first case.   Her own female pup was not.   She
had bred her bitch to a popular stud dog (OFA cleared) that had been
successfully campaigned that year.   She'd been breeding (blanks) for 25
years (small scale) and never had hip dysplasia in her lines before.   She
later decided to spay her pup and explained to the other owners that their
pups had to be altered too and not bred.   Six months before this she had
decided to retire her breeding bitch (she was getting near that "too old to
breed age") and had her spayed.   Her friend had a different breed but was
telling her about a popular stud dog in his breed that was OFA Excellent
being bred to bitches OFA Excellent or Good, and that almost 50% of the
puppies were being diagnosed dyspastic.    A majority of those bitches had
been bred before and after and had not produced dysplastic puppies.   The
argument was that the stud dog although OFA'd Excellent had to have a gene
for dysplasia that he was passing onto his offspring.   And, that obviously
the breeder standing behind me had used a stud dog similiar to the one the
breeder in front of me was telling her about.   The breeder in front of me
said that the stud dog in his breed came from OFA'd parents but that his
littermate had been diagnosed with dysplasia.   They were lamenting the
fact that just because the dam and sire of a litter were OFA cleared, it
would also be beneficial to know more of the littermates of the parents and
grandparents--which at that time was a difficult thing to do since OFA
wasn't as widely used at the time.    One breed was in the herding group
and the other breed was in the working group.   Neither were Pyrs, but I
never forgot the conversation even though I wasn't part of it.    
Of course, the Pyrnet machine (or whatever it's called) won't let me post
more that one email in a one or two week period so I will not be able to
answer any questions if anyone wishes to querie me.    It gets frustrating,
that's why I hardly ever post on this list.   Richard says the problem is
at my end with my IP and that he can't fix it for me.  ;-(   I must admit I
was surprised at his statement because Charlotte told me he was a *genius*
with these machines and that he could do anything with computers. ;-)
Jean F-V

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