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Re: [PyrNet-L] Rescue Looking for new home

Tracy, on one of our moves we found a perfect place to lease, right down
to stables for the horses, etc.  His only thing was that he did not want
us to operated any type of horse business out of it, which was fine with
us, since we didn't plan to anyway.

In going through the list of animals that would be residing there,
everything was just fine with him, until we got to our one male/neutered
British Blue short hair cat.  Under no circumstances would Copper be
allowed.  We could keep him outside, but not one paw inside.  I explained
that he was an indoor cat, from generations of indoor cats, and he could
not possibly be expected to be put out at this stage of his life ( which
I would not have done at any age ).  It was a no- go.  We ended up back
at sq. one, hunting again, and eventually found a cute , 5 acre, with
barns and buildings, part of an old farm.  Actually in the end it was one
of my favorite places we have ever lived, so it shows that things work
out for the best.  Our families just about disowned us over the event, "
Get rid of the cat, get rid of the horses, you can always get others,
think what your doing to your kids"!  Frankly I always thought my
children benefitted, from the security of knowing that living beings are
not disposable!  So like you say, it is possible to find new places to
live, with a little more effort, and not dump the four footed family
members!    Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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