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[PyrNet-L] A not-so-brief update on Berg!

My fellow Pyr-addicts, hi!

We just got back from a week's vacation that was really refreshing. 
Batteries are recharged! :-)

Berg is doing really well! I think the sea water helped him a lot with the 
whole mycosis thing. We also changed the medicines and the fungus just 
disappeared! We started the treatment on FUNGORAL with a daily dose four 
times higher than the dose recommended for humans and Berg seemed very 
unhappy, besides this FUNGORAL affects the liver, so we switched to KENACOMB 
cream and *voila!* the adventure is over!

His appetite is increasing a little bit and these Satin Balls really helped 
him during the past weeks. Berg gained 6 pounds last week, and we hope he 
will keep on gaining weight. We also switched to Hill's Large Breed puppy 
food with lamb and he seems to like it very much. He's eating only 250g 
(average) but we feed him a lot of other "goodies" such as pork chops (which 
disappear in about 20 seconds - bone included!), Feta and cottage cheese, 
full fat milk, avocados and the miracle Satin Balls! The latest 
height/weight check is: 27in and 77lbs. He's still skinny but looks much 
better than before. We hope he grows some more!

He also blowed most of his coat and a brand new miracle fabric has appeared 
underneath! Unfortunately it's been really HOT here the past few weeks 
(110-120F) but Berg managed to get through this hell by being all day on our 
marble patio with frequent showers with the hose (which he absolutely 

His behaviour on the beach was HILARIOUS! When Berg saw my sister dive 
(she's 13 and Berg is CRAZY about her) he went berserk! He started to bark 
and bark and bark until he finally decided to dive and rescue her from the 
dark blue abyss and the mean creatures the live in there! :-)
We also did some workout together (Berg on foot and me on a bicycle) at 5am 
(the only time that the temperature allowed us) by running for about 3-4 
miles every second day. Today we're gonna visit the vet for a check-up and I 
hope he won't need any more medication.

Finally I have a question: The vet told us that we could give him a couple 
of muscle-mass-gaining shots (or something like that) in order to help him 
grow and catch up 'cause he didn't eat well for a long period. He said that 
these shots are absolutely harmless and will have no side-effects later. He 
also suggested a testosterone (do i spell it right?) treatment for a short 
period, which he said will help him a lot although he might get a bit more 
I don't know what to do. The vet has a really great reputation and seems to 
be a very responsible doctor. But I still have my doubts about these things. 
Any suggestions?

Well, that's all for now! I know I may tired you, but I guess I'm excused 
since it's been along time that I didn't write on the list!

My kindest regards to everyone!

PS: Woofs, licks and smooches from Berg to all the Pyr-ladies out there!

Nikolaos C. Koutsomarkos
Athens, Greece

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