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Re: [PyrNet-L] NON-PYR/PLEASE go here!

clhenke@juno.com wrote:

> Judith, I really have always felt that " the right to bear arms " in our
> forefathers time was meant to mean a person has the right to pick up his
> pitch fork, axe, broom what have you,

    And their guns.

> and defend his property and family.

    Dear Cindy,
    Me too! Exactly.

>  I don't think it was ever meant to turn into a personal arsenal of
> weapons ( only purpose is to kill things ) and eventually uzi's.

    Those type of war and military guns that the average gun person's say
they must have is a bunch of hooey!
    Me either, there should be allowed the right to have gun's to hunt, (
which I hate!) To protect home & family & pyrs! <bg>. and to have target
practice with. Oh, and any proffession that requires one.
    As a young girl, my 1 1/2 month long summer camp's, offered  squash
courts, sailing, swimming, tennis courts, archery, etc. and a rifle range. (
Brag; I became  a sharp shooter.) <g>. It was a competitive sport and I like
it a lot. Merely target practice with *plenty of instruction & supervision.*
Similar to what many son's and now daughter's are being taught by the
Dad's,over the millenniums.

>  I think
> the right to bear arms has gotten way out of hand!

    I agree!

> The gun may not be
> bad, but the people using them  are getting completely off the wall!  :-(

    Many, many hate groups & nut's out there are off the wall!
    I suppose the bottom line of my concern is all about, all or most gun's
eventually  being banned.
    If you haven't thought about this or read my  post about aforementioned
books, 1984 or Animal Farm and other's like it, this statement may certainly
seem off the wall; I do not want to see the good, responsible people of our
country losing their *reasonable gun's.
    * Because through my reading's and such, even in this glorious country of
ours, that we so proudly call The United States of America, I can foresee the
possibility sometime in the future, of even us becoming like or close to a
police or military controlled country.
    Maybe, not in my life time, maybe not at all. I still see thing's, vast
red tape, rules, restriction's, unnecessary laws, sometimes ridiculous
curfews, public panic *demanding*, sometimes almost mob like, the absolute
controls and punishment by the Local State & or Town Government, the Federal
Government, restrictive fixes or solution's when crises happen, or even when
lesser things occur, etc.

    I am simply not foolish enough to think, "oh it can't happen here!" That
*was* said in other countries and it *did* happen there.
    To sum this up Cindy and pyr friends, Cindy, I almost totally agree with
your post.
    In pyr spirit,
    Judith, Jonah & Lexi


  Cindy Henke
