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Re: [PyrNet-L] NON-PYR/PLEASE go here!

In a message dated 8/3/99 7:50:53 AM EST, clhenke@juno.com writes:

<<  I really have always felt that " the right to bear arms " in our
 forefathers time was meant to mean a person has the right to pick up his
 pitch fork, axe, broom what have you, and defend his property and family. >>

There was an article on the news last night about this.  Seems when our 
forefathers penned the constitution, only like 5% of the population in the 
colonies even had a gun of ANY type.  Guns were very expensive and limited in 
supply.  According to the one professor that was interviewed, the "right to 
bear arms" was really in reference to the men in the millitia.  I agree with 
you, it wasn't intended to allow normal citizens to have an arsenal of high 
powered guns.  But that's just my 2c worth.
