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Re: [PyrNet-L] NON-PYR/PLEASE go here!

>  I really have always felt that " the right to bear arms " in our
>  forefathers time was meant to mean a person has the right to pick up his
>  pitch fork, axe, broom what have you, and defend his property and family. >>
> Hello,
> There was an article on the news last night about this.  Seems when our
> forefathers penned the constitution, only like 5% of the population in the
> colonies even had a gun of ANY type.  Guns were very expensive and limited in
> supply.  According to the one professor that was interviewed, the "right to
> bear arms" was really in reference to the men in the millitia.

    I vaguely remember that to be true.
    However, when gun's became the norm and less expensive, I wonder why the
constitution wasn't then changed?
    Did the professor touch on that?

    I agree the average citizen, should never, never be permitted to have an
    However, should not the true and responsible gun collector's have a right to
them? ( In locked cabinet's naturally.)

> I agree with
> you, it wasn't intended to allow normal citizens to have an arsenal of high
> powered guns.  But that's just my 2c worth.

    My 2 cents agrees too!
    Yours in pyr spirit,
    Judith, Sexy Lexy & Dream boy pyr, Jonah

> Robyn