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Re: [HOE] Re: 2002 Munchie Awards

Jeff, I have heard some stories similiar from my buddy the Professor's DL 
game. Basically, our Jeff had a MA named Chuin who had the world's best sifu 
sifu and Joe Slade, the leader of the Slade Gang, admitted in front of 
witnesses that while he was the boss of the gang and everybody better follow 
his orders, he politely asked Chuin if he would care to join the group after 
2 incidents:
1)Chuin needs to stop the Sheriff from sending out a call for help via the 
telegraph line so he whips out the Chopsticks O' Doom and slices the POLE in 
2)The Slade Gang is pinned down by Jayhawkers. Chuin stands up in the middle 
of a hail of rifle fire and takes the leaders head off with his 
evil-on-a-stick(Flying Guillotine). He then presents the head to Lightin' 
Joe Slade who immediately become Pukin' Joe Slade.

>From: "Jeff Shoffner" <shoffner@esper.com>
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
>Subject: Re: [HOE] Re: 2002 Munchie Awards
>Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:11:33 -0400
>Although this is from the DL universe, I had to share.....
>Best Actor:  an enlightened MA who has managed to build up a tremendous
>amount of power in the form of fighting and chi powers.  It is pretty much 
>self going chain reaction now--his fighting is so high, he can't be hit.
>Since he is rarely hit, he VERY rarely spends fate chips, which accumulate,
>which goes into fighting.  See Best Action...
>Best supporting actor:  fortunately, don't have any.
>Best Action:  Said MA is hanging out in a small town saloon when in walks a
>Japanese Ronin. (long story, but a group of Japanese warriors WERE going to
>set up shop here).  Chinese MA & Ronin exchange bitter words, they take it
>outside, Ronin pulls out his katana to power up & attack, MA pulls out a
>pair of chopsticks (yes, wooden chopsticks), interrupts the Ronin's attack,
>rams the things into the Ronin's eyes for a hit of 50something, then rolls
>72 for the damage.  Marshal makes a disgusted sigh, & wisely decides not to
>chip the Ronin's damage.
>Jeff S
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