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Re: [HOE] The Last War-Middle east
On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 14:49:21 -0400 PEGTeller@aol.com writes:
> With the widespread use of GR as a fuel,
> the advent of fusion power, and "new science" devices that didn't
> use petroleum products, the Middle east might have been just another
> poor backwater.
My general rule for Deadlands is this: in no case does the Reckoners'
influence cause the world to be safer, happier or more peaceful than our
own. This is a very handy way to avoid being mired in the kind of cruel
"what if" discussions that plague any alternate history.
From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo
"Benjamin is no one's friend. If Benjamin were a flavor of ice cream,
he'd be pralines and dick."
-Garth Algar