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[HOE] The Last War

I was looking through the posse territory of a few of my bookslatly, just
getting a refresher, when I noticed something. There is really no mention
of the Middle East during the Last War. It's a little strange to think
(with my current mind set as an American) that the Middle East wouldn't
be involved. I also started to think a little about our recent history
and how it would apply to Deadlands. Our 3 last Presidents in the real
world, would have all been Confederate Presidents. 2 Texans and 1
Arkansan. Perhaps during the Last War, since it ws all about getting the
Ghost Rock, the Middle East kept quite and made a fortune selling their
mundane, everyday, normal petroleum to all sides. Dunno. 

Anyone out there have any thoughts?

Mr. Hensley? Mr. Hopler?


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