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Re: [HOE] Translations
>Attention my multiligual friends!
>I'm working on HoE Europe stuff on the request of my friends. I'm
>actually working on things for all over the world, and I'd like to
>the right flavor to my work as I research. You wouldn't exactly say
>were intercepted by a Manitou if your a German Junker who's never
>been to
>America, you'd call it something else. If anyone can give me words,
>phrases in other languages or slang from other contries that would
>fit in
>the HoE world, I'd appreciate it. Here's some examples of what I'm
>looking for...
Well, I'm not an European, but I'm a natural Portuguese speaker.
Brazil have some indigenous languages, so I will try to use then in
Tupi-Guarani, that is, the language of most o' the South American
Besides Brazil, Portuguese is spoken on: Portugal (Europe), Goa
(Asia), Guiné-Bissau (Africa), Angola (Africa), Timor Leste (Asia),
São Tomé e Príncipe (Africa), Moçambique (Africa) and some other 1 or
2 countries that I don't remember right now.
Actually, only Manitou is a Indian word... It's the only one I
translated to Tupi-Guarani.
Manitou - Angûera
Demon - Demônio
Magic - Magia
Harrowed - Desenterrado
Zombie - Zumbi
Walking Dead - Has no useful translation: Morto que Anda
Vampire - Vampiro
Undead - Morto-Vivo
Templar - Templário
Knight - Cavaleiro
Paladin - Paladino
Atomic - Atômico
Nuclear - Nuclear
Radiation - Radiação
Mutant - Mutante
Syker - Psiquista
Psychic - Psíquico
Telepath - Telepata
Martial Artist - Artista Marcial
Cyborg - Ciborgue
Robot - Robô
Scrapper - Sucateiro
Bionics - Biônicos
Junker - Traquitaneiro or Engenhoqueiro
Tinkerer - Pensador
Mechanic - Mecânico
Scavenger - Carniceiro
Tech Spirit - Espírito Tecnológico
Heaven - Céu
Hell - Inferno
Spirit World - Mundo Espiritual
Hunting Grounds - Área de Caça
Blessed - Abençoado
Huckster - Feiticeiro
Hexslinger - Sacador de Feitiços
Toxic Shaman - Xamã Tóxico
Shaman - Xamã
Indian - Índio
Native American - Índio Americano
>(I realize that some of these probably won't be in other parts of
>the world, but I'd like to have it just in case)
The troublesome ones:
Harrowed - Desenterrado: "Enterrar" is "to bury", so if I'm right,
Harrowed is a guy who unburied himself. The Portuguese prefix "Des-"
is equal to the English "Un-"
Walking Dead - Morto que Anda: In Portuguese, Walking Dead translated
just sound corky
Syker - Psiquista: Sinse Syker is a slang, translatin' it is almost
impossible... Psiquista can be literally translated as "Psychic user"
Junker - Traquitaneiro or Engenhoqueiro: The toughest one... Junk is
"Lixo" in Portuguese... But Lixo to us means "Trash or garbage or
junk" To write "Lixeiro" is the obvious one, but it means in
portuguese "garbage man". "Traquitana" and "Engenhoca" are that goofy
inventor stuff. So I used Portuguese slang in this one.
Hexslinger - Sacador de feitiços: Another tricky one. Hex is a
"feitiço" And we don't have a word for slinger, so I used "sacar",
that is "to draw". Literally "Sacador de Feitiços" is "A guy who fast
draw Hex"
Anythin' else, just ask. :)
Rod Amaral
Brazilian Marshall