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Re: [HoE] Toxic Shamans and Cult of Doom
On Mon, 15 May 2000 18:38:33 EDT Dusarat@aol.com writes:
> Haven't bought my copy of Spirit warriors, but i do have one
> question,
> Is there anything on the fact that both the polluters and the
> Cult of
> Doom both are into pollution (The Cult seeing radioactive and
> Biohazardous
> waste as a means to an end, but still a good thing)? Would the Cult
> have
> Toxic Shamans in it adding to the the spiritual aspect and the "Mmm,
> benzene!
> I wonder what would happen if I put that in our drinking water!"
The Cult of Doom does not like the toxic shamans because they can remove
a person's mutations. This is a fly in the ointment to Silas's little
theology. So he has branded all toxic shamans as heretics. I know this is
cutting off many potential allies but Silas isn't known for his people
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