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[HoE] Re:Lost Colony [Shane]

----- Original Message ----- >
> Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 19:03:29 EDT
> From: PEGShane@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [HoE]  Re:Lost Colony [Shane]
> In a message dated 5/15/00 12:18:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> sinisterdexter@mindspring.com writes:
> << Will there be a Lost Colony deal available like there was with Hell On
>  Earth? I love my Stone miniature and signed book.. just wondering if
>  will be something similar this time around?
>  sinisterdexter@mindspring.com
>  Purple Pinnacle Flamey-stuff? Gotta look cool. >>
> Certainly--here on the website anyway. Rem that LC RPG doesn't debut at
> GenCon though--the CCG does.
> Shane

WOOHOO! And I know LC RPG isn't being released until November-ish.. I just
wanted to make sure I was gonna have something to sit next to my Leather
Deadlands and Leatherette HoE books.. ;-)
