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Re: [HoE] Toxic Shamans and Cult of Doom

At 12:49 AM 5/16/00, you wrote:

>On Mon, 15 May 2000 18:38:33 EDT Dusarat@aol.com writes:
> > Haven't bought my copy of Spirit warriors, but i do have one
> > question,
> >
> >     Is there anything on the fact that both the polluters and the
> > Cult of
> > Doom both are into pollution (The Cult seeing radioactive and
> > Biohazardous
> > waste as a means to an end, but still a good thing)?  Would the Cult
> > have
> > Toxic Shamans in it adding to the the spiritual aspect and the "Mmm,
> > benzene!
> > I wonder what would happen if I put that in our drinking water!"
>The Cult of Doom does not like the toxic shamans because they can remove
>a person's mutations. This is a fly in the ointment to Silas's little
>theology. So he has branded all toxic shamans as heretics. I know this is
>cutting off many potential allies but Silas isn't known for his people

That and the small fact that TS can laugh off his Atomic Blasts, MIRVs, ect 
with the Radiation Immunity Favor.  You can bet I have things in the works 
to deal with that with my group.
Generally, um, what he said.  Toxic Shamans are a rival radtion 
users.  Obviously Heretics.

The Schismatics are twitchy about them for similar reasons.  Not "shoot on 
sight" but they certainly don't trust them.

They don't mention Lectors, but given their whole Theology, I'd GUESS they 
re the least twitchy of them.  They probably aren't off hugging them but 
They don't fly in the face of their religion like other Doomies.