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[HoE] Templar Gift - Impressions?

Wanted to get folks' opinions on the following Templar gift, created because 
basically, Templar suck against relatively high-armored (4+) opponents if 
they stick with HTH, which is supposed to be their forte:

Cutting Edge

	Above all else Templars prefer the reliability of a sharp sword in battle, 
but even the sharpest of swords can not cut a foot thick steel.  They must 
instead rely on their own ability to find the weakness in their opponent's 
armor, and the Cutting Edge gift is the Saints' way of helping them find 
those nasty little weak points.  It is said that even a well-placed rock can 
bring a tank to a grinding halt if it gets lodged in the treads.

	The Saints do not ask their avatars to throw rocks, but instead guide their 
sword arm to the weak points in the enemy's defenses.  In game terms this 
means that for each level of Cutting Edge that the Templar possesses, he may 
spend a raise on his to hit roll to ignore one level of armor value.

Greater Reward

	In addition to aiding the Templar find weakness in his or her opponent's 
armor, the Saints also help the Templar to see flaws in their opponent's 
fighting style.

	In game terms this means that the Templar may reduce their opponent's 
Defensive Bonus by an amount equal to their Faith skill level.   This does 
not overcome the initial target number required to hit, or reduce wound 
penalties.  It simply reduces the defense gained from skill and weapon 
Defensive Bonus.


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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