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Re: [HoE] Templar Gift - Impressions?
I understand that Templars are allowed to use other weapons besides the sword....for a
tank i would suggest something that goes "BOOM"....(ie if you are opening a can,....get
a can opener!)
I also would say that it seems reasonable that Templars would have a way to ignore
armor...marshal artist do, although it cost them Chi.
Steve Crow wrote:
> Wanted to get folks' opinions on the following Templar gift, created because
> basically, Templar suck against relatively high-armored (4+) opponents if
> they stick with HTH, which is supposed to be their forte:
> Cutting Edge
> Above all else Templars prefer the reliability of a sharp sword in battle,
> but even the sharpest of swords can not cut a foot thick steel. They must
> instead rely on their own ability to find the weakness in their opponent's
> armor, and the Cutting Edge gift is the Saints' way of helping them find
> those nasty little weak points. It is said that even a well-placed rock can
> bring a tank to a grinding halt if it gets lodged in the treads.
> The Saints do not ask their avatars to throw rocks, but instead guide their
> sword arm to the weak points in the enemy's defenses. In game terms this
> means that for each level of Cutting Edge that the Templar possesses, he may
> spend a raise on his to hit roll to ignore one level of armor value.
> Greater Reward
> In addition to aiding the Templar find weakness in his or her opponent's
> armor, the Saints also help the Templar to see flaws in their opponent's
> fighting style.
> In game terms this means that the Templar may reduce their opponent's
> Defensive Bonus by an amount equal to their Faith skill level. This does
> not overcome the initial target number required to hit, or reduce wound
> penalties. It simply reduces the defense gained from skill and weapon
> Defensive Bonus.
> ---
> Steve Crow
> "Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
> Check out my website at: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/
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