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Re: [HoE] Templar Gift - Impressions?

In a message dated 5/2/00 5:13:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
crow_steve@hotmail.com writes:

<< Wanted to get folks' opinions on the following Templar gift, created 
 basically, Templar suck against relatively high-armored (4+) opponents if 
 they stick with HTH, which is supposed to be their forte: >>

OK well then here is a simple question for you. Are Templars only allowed to 
use swords crafted from good old American know how, as in steel and a lot of 
elbow grease? What about other kinds of swords? Case in point, I do recall 
chainswords or from the Cyborg`s book, an energy blade sword. Would or could 
they use such a thing? Or would they be frowned upon or dismissed from the 
order? I do not know if it has been mentioned anywhere, if it had and I saw 
it I would not have asked such a question. Any ideas or feedback?  :-)
