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Re: [HoE] Cyborgs and Mutations
Steve Crow wrote:
> Here's one I noticed the other night. What do you do when you draw the
> Joker mutation when setting out to create a Cyborg? (or if they end up
> mutating later in the game?)
> Many of the mutations, particularly the Hearts and Diamonds, really don't
> make much sense. A "Scrawny" Heavy Can, for instance, is just kinda goofy.
Just redraw until you get something that could be used. Some of them aren't
even fitting with ahrrowed-- the breath underwater for example, unless you
became harrowed after the mutation, is just silly.
> (And don't even start on some of the major mutations from Children of the
> Atom... :) )
Again, some of these could work but most wouldn't.
> In general, it doesn't seem like there is really a lot of...well, human
> flesh there to actually mutate.
How cybered is the heavy can? Cyborg limbs are immune to mutation, but things
liek samson just enhance teh existing flesh, they don't replace it (could be
wrong on that, but don't ave the cyborgs book)
> For that matter, would a Cyborg be pretty much immune to the Doomsayer's
> Mutate (or Mutie for a Day) ability?
Nope. They might not get a mutation for it (If it's something that wouldn't
wokr on a can) but would still take damage as (remaining) flesh and nerves get
twisted and destroyed.
- doug -
> ---