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[HoE] Cyborgs and Mutations

Here's one I noticed the other night.  What do you do when you draw the 
Joker mutation when setting out to create a Cyborg? (or if they end up 
mutating later in the game?)

Many of the mutations, particularly the Hearts and Diamonds, really don't 
make much sense.  A "Scrawny" Heavy Can, for instance, is just kinda goofy.

(And don't even start on some of the major mutations from Children of the 
Atom...   :)  )

In general, it doesn't seem like there is really a lot of...well, human 
flesh there to actually mutate.

For that matter, would a Cyborg be pretty much immune to the Doomsayer's 
Mutate (or Mutie for a Day) ability?

This seems to be pretty wildly variable, depending on how much cyberware 
your Cyborg has loaded up with.  But I wouldn't mind seeing something a bit 
more consistent.  Any thoughts?


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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