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Re: [Hoe] Music For A Blasted Theatre (Was Re: [HoE] Toxic Tunes)
well, if people want some dark, noisy, semi-atmospheric music to rpg too
I think I can qualify as an expert of sorts. for bands that have that
apocolyptical type feel here are some undergroung industrial bands to
check out:
(note these are all very dark bands)
1) :wumpscut:- this guy makes some great music, check out "music for a
slaughtered tribe", his first cd the song "Soylent Green" has that pure
dystopia feel
2) apoptgyma berserk - not as dark as the rest, but decent
techno/industrial hybrid most of his songs have a positive message
(something that the posse's are supposed to be spreading). check out the
album "7" or some of the newer singles
3) ministry -psalm 69 is a great album, especially the last song
4) b-ton-k - great stuff, experimental, noisy, grinding, perfect for a
post nuke world
these opinions are all my own, and I'd hearlty suggest listening to
these cds before buying any, this kind of music is a very aquired taste
ps : for the real experimentor check out a skinny puppy cd
rob k (aka templar shannow)
pps: check out the book "wolf in shadow" a great post apoc book