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Re: [HoE] Re: Toxic Tunes

Yes.  Exactly the point I'm making.  I frequently incorporate music into my
games and take the selection thereof pretty seriously.  I've been comibing the
used music shops in my area for a couple that I'd like to incorporate into the
game: Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome soundtrack and Blue Oyster Cult's "Fire of
Unknown Origin" album.

On this note, as far as music for the game, I highly recommend the
aforementioned BOC album. Apart from having "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" on it,
it also contains a few other recommended tracks.  The title track ("Death comes
driving down the highway in his Sunday best.  Death comes sweeping down the
hallway like a lady's dress.  Fire of Unknown Origin took my baby away."), "Sole
Survivor" also has the proper mood and "Vengenace (The Pact)" sort-of works as

Hey, this sounds like the start of a thread to me.

Damon Harper wrote:

> >(ahem) Since I can't remember if this has been discussed on the HoE list, I
> >feel obligated to point at that such activity is a breach of PEG's
> >copyright, and criminal in nature.
> >
> >Pinnacle, as a company in the game industry, makes little enough money
> >without their material being pirated.
>    And now I feel equally obligated to point out that all that stuff is only
> if it's done w/o PEG's permission.  I think PEG should sample some of the
> CDs they sell and put them on their website.  I would almost gar-on-tee an
> increase in CD sales, because there are many folks like me who aren't going
> to by something JUST because it's 'Deadlands' written on it(and yes, I'm
> aware there are probably just as many people out there who DO buy stuff just
> because it has 'Deadlands' on it, but I digress).   And I definitely don't
> buy CDs unless I've heard a track (or part of a track) or two.
>    Just my 2 confederate cents.

"The law, in it's majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to
sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." -Anatole France