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[HoE] Re: Toxic Tunes

>(ahem) Since I can't remember if this has been discussed on the HoE list, I
>feel obligated to point at that such activity is a breach of PEG's
>copyright, and criminal in nature.
>Pinnacle, as a company in the game industry, makes little enough money
>without their material being pirated.

   And now I feel equally obligated to point out that all that stuff is only 
if it's done w/o PEG's permission.  I think PEG should sample some of the 
CDs they sell and put them on their website.  I would almost gar-on-tee an 
increase in CD sales, because there are many folks like me who aren't going 
to by something JUST because it's 'Deadlands' written on it(and yes, I'm 
aware there are probably just as many people out there who DO buy stuff just 
because it has 'Deadlands' on it, but I digress).   And I definitely don't 
buy CDs unless I've heard a track (or part of a track) or two.
   Just my 2 confederate cents.

-Damon Harper
   "I only please one person per day.
    Today is not your day.
    Tomorrow isn't looking good either." -Scott Adams
<nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>

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